dal 15/06/2025

Many events between faith and tradition. A town in celebration that attracts many visitors.

Every town, every city in Sicily has its patron saint. Religious feeling goes hand in hand with the sense of belonging to a place and its traditions.
The Feast of the patron saint of San Vito Lo Capo is characterized by a particular devotion of all the navy of the town towards San Vito Martire.
June 15th is a big celebration for the whole category and the boats are all anchored in the port. The celebrations begin in the afternoon with the picturesque and fun game of the sea antenna, an ancient game, a real attraction for tourists.

San Vito Lo Capo tourist information: find hotels, B&Bs, holiday homes

The challenge between the young people of the town takes place on the pier and always attracts many curious people. Participants in the race will have to walk along a 10 meter long wooden beam, suspended over the sea and made slippery by a layer of soap. A flag is placed at the end of the beam which the most athletic will try to conquer. The winner, again after numerous falls into the water, will receive a prize.

But the most exciting moment of the festival remains the Landing of the Saints on the beach of San Vito Lo Capo. Little Vito, his nurse Crescenzia and the master Modesto arrive from the sea on a small boat at sunset. Responding to a signal, the boats in the harbor all go out into the sea to joyfully welcome the small boat and the Saints.

San Vito Lo Capo tourist information: find hotels, B&Bs, holiday homes

Meanwhile on the long beach the faithful and the curious gather and await the arrival of the Saint. The moment the three characters touch land, to celebrate their arrival, rockets are launched from the boats and onto the beach, while the crowd prepares to follow them to the Sanctuary with a long procession. The picturesque procession winds through the streets of the town and it becomes increasingly longer while the devotees of the Saint raise hymns and prayers.

In the meantime, inside the Sanctuary , in the center of the town, the statue of San Vito is covered with insignia: the crown (God's prize), the palm (victory of martyrdom), the cross (strength of faith) and the covered cloak of the former vote of the faithful (devotion); then it is solemnly presented to the faithful and carried on the shoulders of the devotees in the final procession that will tour the town.
This moment, particularly felt by the people of San Vito and beyond, is like an official start of the summer season and of the events that will keep us company until November.


7.45pm: Piazza Santuario: Traditional street games (pignateddi, tug of war, sack race)

9.30 pm: Dancing evening in Piazza Santuario with "Giuseppe La Sala Band" and "sfince" tasting

7.00 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation

6.00 pm: Chaplet of San Vito
6.30 pm: Eucharistic celebration presided over by Don Anthony Masciantonio
7.15 pm: Blessing of San Vito
7.45pm: Pzza Santuario: Traditional street games (pignateddi, tug of war, sack race)
9.00 pm: Torchlight procession in Santa Crescenza (Blessing of the animals)

6.00 pm: Chaplet of San Vito
6.30 pm: Eucharistic celebration presided over by Don Anthony Masciantonio
7.00 pm: Parade of Sicilian floats
7.15 pm: Blessing of San Vito
9.30 pm: Folklore show by the "Trinacria Bedda" group from the city of Monreale in Piazza Santuario and "sfince" tasting

09.30 am: Eucharistic celebration presided over by Don Anthony Masciantonio
6.00 pm: Chaplet of San Vito
6.30 pm: Civil authorities procession from the Town Hall to the Sanctuary accompanied by the "Banda di San Vito" Association
7.15pm: First Vespers in honor of San Vito presided over by the parish priest Don Gaetano Costa
9.00 pm: Parade of the "Characters" accompanied by the "Amici per la Musica" Band and the "Città di Caccamo" Musicians and Flag-wavers
10.00 pm: Show by musicians and flag-wavers of the city of Caccamo in Piazza Santuario and "sfince" tasting

08.00 am: Alborata and bell ringing of the Sacred Bronzes
9.00 am: Procession of the San Vito Deputation and Navy accompanied by the "Amici della Musica" musical band and floral tribute to the statue of San Vito at the port (departure from Piazza Santuario)
10.00 am: Tour of the drum and the "Amici della Musica" musical band through the streets of the town
3.00 pm: Molo outerwater - Antenna game at sea
6.30 pm: Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Pietro Maria Fragnelli with the presence of civil and military authorities
8.30 pm: Via Lungomare - Historical re-enactment: "The Landing of the Saints/" (organized by the Marineria di S. Vito) with the musical accompaniment of the Ass. San Vito band
9.30 pm: Procession of the simulacrum of San Vito Martire through the streets of the town with the musical accompaniment of the Ass. San Vito band (with the bearers of Alcamo devoted to the Saint)
12.00 am: Molo outerwater - Fireworks


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