Saint Joseph fest in Sicily, a mix of faith and tradition to which are added, as always, the goodness of Sicilian cuisine.
Among the most heartfelt religious celebrations in Sicily is the feast of San Giuseppe , a mix of faith and tradition to which are added, as always, the delicacies of Sicilian cuisine.
During this period, the island's pastry shops are full of ricotta desserts, but the sfinci di San Giuseppe, which in the Trapani area we call sfincione , reign supreme, a mouth-watering delicacy.
There are many Sicilian locations where the celebrations of March 19 , a few days before the arrival of spring, include bonfires, laid tables and colorful altars. What for many is just Father 's Day, in Sicily is much more, it is a special moment that involves entire communities and brings back to light centuries-old traditions.
SALEMI, City of Bread
In Salemi , one of the most beautiful medieval villages in Italy, the ancient tradition of the San Giuseppe dinners is still celebrated today.
The Suppers of St. Joseph represent a rite with deep roots in religious sentiment, but they are also a strong sign of belonging to the community.
Each family opens the doors of their home to proudly show passers-by their altar.
The dinners were born as an ex voto for a grace received. The person devoted to Saint Joseph offers the Dinner to three orphans, who represent the Holy Family.
For the occasion, 101 different dishes are prepared, but among these the typical dish of the San Giuseppe dinner cannot be missed: spaghetti with untoasted breadcrumbs, mixed with oil, sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of chopped parsley.
The altars
The altars, different in size and materials, are always covered with precious fabrics, laurel and myrtle leaves, decorated with the typical breads of various shapes, as a sign of abundance, and with oranges, lemons and flowers, to perfume the air.
At the centre of this Renaissance-style structure hangs a painting depicting the Holy Family, while on a surface covered in white embroidered linens, in addition to the inevitable Breads, there are symbolic objects: carafes of wine, vases of flowers and fruit, candles and candelabras, vases with goldfish.
The loaves hanging on the altar are hundreds and reveal the manual ability of the women who learn to prepare them from an early age. A skill they are very proud of.
Today Salemi is called the City of Bread precisely because of the particular attention and skill with which these true masterpieces are prepared.
Walking through the streets of the village, in a sort of pilgrimage, you will be struck by the Arab-medieval atmosphere of its alleys, interrupted here and there by small altars of thanksgiving and baskets of fruit, while laurel branches placed at the corners of the houses will indicate the altars to visit.
It won't be difficult to find ladies who will show you how the small loaves in the shape of flowers, fruit, animals and sacred objects are made.
The week of celebrations culminates on March 19, when the rite of the invitation of the Saints takes place in the church of San Giuseppe. In front of a moved audience of faithful, the Parts of San Giuseppe are recited, a mixture of prayers and chants in dialect recited by some elderly people in front of the altar.
A ceremony where ritual gestures, prayers and songs combine with a more complex symbolism that oscillates between faith and tradition.
There will be food and wine stands around the town with tastings of some typical dishes prepared for the occasion: omelettes, fennel meatballs, pasta with sardines and much more. And then music and workshops.
The feast of San Giuseppe in Western Sicily
Among the most important events in western Sicily we remember those of Gibellina , that of Calatafimi-Segesta , that of Dattilo and that of the island of Marettimo which always ends with enormous night-time bonfires.