Walls, shallows, caves and wrecks... San Vito Lo Capo is the best for divers

The seabed of San Vito Lo Capo also lends itself very well to scuba diving, the high edges of the many shallows which are located a few hundred meters from the coast and offer splendid scenery, suitable for underwater photography.
In some areas you only need to go above 40 meters to find the first small branches of red coral, highly sought after photographic subjects
For freediving, the lighthouse shoal (depths from 4 to 30 metres) is capable of offering great emotions (bream and croaker are the most common species).

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Seabeds rich in history

Discovering Kent, the ship of the Corans, near San Vito Lo Capo.
It is a wreck of a Cypriot ship of about 80 meters, sunk due to a fire in 1978, nicknamed "ship of the Korans" for its load of books.
It is located about half a mile away, in the gulf of the tuna fishery of S. Vito Lo Capo, lying on a sandy bottom at about 48 meters. of depth with the bow facing the coast.
The more experienced can also visit it inside, in its vicinity you can often encounter moray eels, conger eels, groupers, scorpion fish and schools of sea bream.

All the seabeds around Cape San Vito are rich in evidence of ancient maritime trade, amphorae of different ages and above all lead anchors (4th century BC - 5th century AD).

Abandoned on the seabed by vessels fleeing due to the arrival of the enemy fleet, due to a sudden storm or more simply because they were stuck between the rocks on the seabed.
The richness of the finds is proof of the importance of Cape Egitarso in the Mediterranean sea routes of two thousand years ago.

An Arab Norman wreck (dating back to around the year 800) sank to a seabed of about 25 meters right in front of Cape San Vito, studied, photographed and recovered in 1993 - 94 - 95 on behalf of the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage.

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Legend of the dive sites

1 Tonnara - 2 Torre Solante - 3 Calampiso - 4 Firriato - 5 Punte Negra - 6 Monte Cofano - 7 Cataratta - 8 Calarossa - 9 Secca del Faro - 10 Scoglio Scialandro - 11 Dell'acqua dolce - 12 Dell'Arco - 13 Del Camino - 14 Nave Kent - 15 Nave Capua


1 - Wall of the Tonnara
The dive takes place following the vertical wall which from 3 m. reaches up to 30/35 m. of depth, where we find large rock stacks that stand out against the white sandy seabed. Particular brightness even beyond 30 meters. of depth which allows good photographic shots.
The dive is characterized by the itinerary between rock formations over 10 meters high. Among the cracks in the vertical wall we invariably find moray eels, groupers and other resident fish. Dive intended for both novices and expert divers.

2 - Solante Tower
A few meters from the coast under the Spanish Tower of the Scieri peak, you descend between various changes in depth up to 30/40 m. while the wall continues towards the depths. Interesting for the pelagic fish encountered, the dive is intended for both novices and expert divers.
On the site, in the autumn period, the presence of large cetaceans (sperm whales) has often been reported which pass near the coast on their route which takes them towards the waters of the Zingaro Reserve.

3 - Calapiso Wall
A few meters from the coast, under the tourist village of Cala'mpiso we dive following the gradual progression of the rocks towards the depths. Once we reach the bottom at about 35 meters we find a luminous landscape due to the light reflecting on the sand.
Along the descent we find the characteristic presence of the Mediterranean sea with resident fish (moray groupers, shrimp, lobsters, etc.) and the gorgonians that cover the rock spurs.
Given the gradual descent, the dive is intended for both expert divers and novices.

4 - Firriato Wall
The characteristic cove of Lake Venus is the starting point for various dives, full of stacks, caves, passages, arches, which allow you to choose many itineraries suitable for different photographic, naturalistic and recreational needs in general.
The depths vary depending on the itinerary chosen up to over 35 m.
This place often used for night diving always offers unexpected emotions, for the large and suspicious groupers that inhabit the numerous tunnels, and for the squid that at night, attracted by the headlights, come up curiously from the bottom.

5 - Punte Negra Wall
Less than 100 m. from the coast on the Gulf of Macari, we follow the summit going down a wall which vertically descends to over 50 meters in steps. The dive is full of encounters both for resident fish (groupers, lobsters, etc.) and for the colonies of gorgonians that inhabit the rock spurs.
Diving intended mainly for expert divers, it is interesting for video and photographic shooting.
Excellent brightness for the sandy bottom. The diving site allows 2-3 itineraries, different and suggestive.

6 - Monte Cofano
A few meters from the coast under Mount Cofano which rises from the deep sea, we find several suggestive diving places due to the presence of pelagic and sedentary fish.
The diving depths vary on the different itineraries, from 15-20 m. at over 40 m.
Like all dives on almost vertical walls, they are full of emotions and suggestions, as well as excellent framing for underwater photos and videos.


7 - Secca della Cataracta
The dive point is near the wreck of the Kent, in the gulf of the tuna fishery of S. Vito. Following the anchor line you arrive at the top of the shoal at about 20 m. Following the various cracks you reach over 35 m. of depth.
Very rich in red gorgonians, it is inhabited by both sedentary fish (groupers, moray eels, mustie, scorpion fish, etc.) and pelagic fish (amberjacks, snappers, stingrays). Following one of the many itineraries you arrive at the stacks which are located between 30 and 40 m. of depth.
Rich in suggestive corners, the shoal offers exceptional ideas for underwater photography, rich in colour, fauna and flora.

8 - Secca di calarossa
At about 500 m. from the coast of the gulf of the tuna fishery of S. Vito you go down to the top of the shoal at around 13/15 m. deep where we find a large anchor of almost 2 m. in height, used for the tuna nets. Following the wall of the shoal we descend to around 30 metres. where we find a deep crack in the rock, an ideal habitat for shrimp and other fish.
Interesting for the photographic glimpses it offers, the shoal often offers surprising encounters with schools of amberjacks and other pelagic fish that from the adjacent seabed at over 40 m. they go up to the top of the shoal to hunt.

9 - Secca del Faro
The dive site is about 1 mile from the S.Vito lighthouse to the north. Following the anchor line we arrive at the top of the shoal at about 20 m. of depth.
The shoal is made up of large rock formations intersected by fissures which are an ideal habitat for pelagic and sedentary fish.
It is covered with gorgonians and other formations which make the dive full of suggestive encounters, given the distance from the coast.

10 - Scoglio dello Scialandro
The shoal is located in the Gulf of Macari just under a mile from the coast. It rises from the surrounding seabed from 40/50 meters. of depth towards the surface, causing numerous shipwrecks in the past, as evidenced by the many fragments of amphorae scattered all around.
It is interesting as a habitat for pelagic and sedentary fish and for the interesting remains of amphorae especially from the Roman period.
Perfect for underwater photos and for those interested in seeing ancient underwater archaeological finds.


11 - Fresh water caves
The entrance to the cave is located at approximately 18 m. of depth along the cliff face near the Uzzo beach. The cave, over 20 meters wide, extends for about 50 meters in length and reaches a room of about 80 square meters. at an altitude of 0, where it is possible to admire the clear waters of the fresh water spring.
The chamber, with perfectly breathable air, presents phenomena of rainwater infiltration together with spring water. Interesting from a geological point of view, the cave is exceptional for underwater photos. The dive is intended for expert divers, obviously the use of a torch is mandatory.

12 - Arco caves
Next to the fresh water cave, follow the wall that falls from 6 m. around 35 m. of depth. At the end of this we find a large opening that leads towards a recess over 15 meters deep. and over 20 meters wide. 
Browsing through the various cracks we find lobsters, large scorpion fish as well as shrimp in considerable numbers. Going back towards the surface we cross the rock through a large rock arch with suggestive colours. 
Dive intended for expert divers. The use of a torch is recommended to enjoy the colors and discover the beauty of the fauna.

13 - Chimney cave
The dive develops following the natural descent of the wall a few hundred meters from the Tonnarella dello Zingaro beach. 
Entering the cave we find scorpion fish, moray eels and small lobsters. You cross various rooms that develop diagonally.
The dive is intended for expert divers and is interesting for photographic opportunities. The use of a torch is mandatory.

Grotta delle Colonne
You go down to 35 m. under the sea, where we find the entrance to the first cave. It is a large horizontal cut in the rock that leads to a chamber that curves to the right. Leaving this first cave by climbing up the same wall we find the entrance to a second cave. This is larger and more complex than the first, has several rooms characterized by "columns" fusion of stalactites and stalagmites, evidence of the glacial period when the sea had not yet flooded these stretches of coast. 
The dive is very interesting for aspects of fauna and flora and is intended for expert divers.

Perciata Cave
The dive develops along a wall at approximately 15/18 m. towards the coast. At the end of the route we find the large entrance at a depth of approximately 12 metres.
Upon entering you notice the holes and cracks in the vault of the cave which gave it its name; in Sicilian dialect "perciata" means holes. 
The vault offers splendid beams of light that allow you to visit the cave even without the use of a torch. Several families of Anthias stop near the vault near the holes. Excellent for underwater photography, the dive is intended for both expert divers and novices.

Shrimp cave
Dive intended for expert divers, the cave is located at approximately 40 m. deep and is located on the side of an oblique wall that descends from the surface towards the depths. 
The cave is very close to the coast, less than 50 meters from the surface rocks. 
It is home to a notable quantity of shrimp and it is not uncommon to encounter lobsters and lobsters


14 - Kent ship
The wreck of the Cypriot cargo ship Kent, also called ship of the Corans due to its load of books, is located in the gulf of the tuna fishery of S. Vito Lo Capo, lying on a sandy bottom at around 48 m. of depth.
The ship sank due to a fire in 1978. The wreck lies with the bow towards land, with the keel lying on the sandy bottom about half a mile from the coast. The wreck is approximately 80 meters long. and can also be visited inside. You come across sedentary moray eels and conger eels, groupers and scorpion fish, and schools of white sea bream and pelagic fish swim around the ship.
The use of a flashlight is recommended, the use of a dive computer is mandatory. For expert divers only.

15 - Capua Ship
The wreck of the militarized and armed cargo ship called Capua is located a few hundred meters from the coast near Scopello. The ship sank in the Second World War, she is located on a sandy bottom at about 35 meters. of depth.



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