A holiday with a thousand surprises in the province of Trapani

All the most beautiful destinations just a few minutes from the Hotel Resort Parco degli Aromi

My experience in the province of Trapani. From a leap in the dark to the discovery of an unimaginable place.

I had heard about a beautiful beach and some particularly fascinating destinations.

We had not been able to book anything in time and at the last minute we had difficulty finding a Hotel that would allow us to visit as many places as possible. The ticket was already made and the children wanted to see what we had promised them.
We hoped for good luck and arrived in San Vito Lo Capo. An enchanting place, many colored dots in the sky, we were so excited that we did not look, if not distractedly, for a place to stay for the night and the few hotels we visited had already given us full.

On the beach we met a young couple with a child.
They advised us to stay where they had been for 4 nights, that was their last day in Trapani. Tired but calm we accepted their advice and set off for Parco degli Aromi.
The idea of a couple of hours of relaxation in the spa was very tempting, but we still had no idea what we would see.

The colorful structure, with the stone walls surrounding it, was already a pleasant surprise.

We dropped our bags off right away, before asking if there was room. Instinct and the advice of that gracious family were guiding us well.
The starry sky, the outdoor pool and the kindness at the reception sewed the missing button around our idea to make us stay.

Staying in Valderice at this Hotel Spa was a last minute experience to be mentioned for those who want to treasure it.

We had a great time!

I could list all the services and beauties, but it would not add anything to our advice: Go there!

Thank you.

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